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1-1 Adult Counselling

There are times in our lives when we all face challenges. There are days when we all feel low or worried. If those day are too difficult to manage, too frequent or are having a big impact on our lives, counselling can help. 

Counselling sessions are confidential and are conducted under ethical guideleines for your emotional safety. 

 Being able to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe and suppoorted environment can reduce the impact of your problems, help you to understand the origins of damaging thoughts and behaviour patterns, process historical trauma and ultimately, assist in you regaining control of your life.

I offer face2face counselling in Bradford, West Yorkshire and online counselling for men and women throughout the UK.


Mental Health Support in Bradford - The Trusted Therapist

1 in 4 people will have a mental health problem each year, with 1 in 6 people having a common mental health problem such as anxiety, low mood or depression.


Therapy can help. Counselling is an opportunity to explore your issues with a trained empathic professional therapist.


 I can work with you to help you understand your difficulties, overcome your issues and restore a sense of peace and control to your life.


I offer private face-face counselling in Bradford, where we can work together to help you recover from your mental health issues. 


Some clients prefer online counselling, it can be just as effective, and fit better around your other commitments such as family life and work.


Whichever you choose, I look forward to helping you


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